Monday, March 1, 2010

An Interesting Weekend in Hawaii

What an interesting weekend!

Because of the big 8.8 earthquake in Chile, we were under a Tsunami warning on Saturday morning here in Hawaii. Luckily it didn't develop into anything more than a small surge though.

I was excited and wasn't worried too much since we live high enough up the hillside to not be affected by a Tsunami. We went to a nearby hillside where there were probably 200+ people gathered to watch and take pictures, but we were so high above Hilo Bay we couldn't even see the surges. We finally gave up and went home and watched it on TV and the Internet.

Here is a short time-lapse video showing the surges. The foot bridge leading over to Coconut Island has been wiped out in every Tsunami to hit Hilo, except of course this one.

While I am relieved there weren't any injuries, deaths or property damage, it was still a let down to only have a small surge. Many people here on the islands feel the same way, so I'm not the only storm junkie ;o).